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Psychology: A Rejoiner to the Refutation of Adam and Eve
Time to deconstruct the social legacy of the myth
By Corey Gilkes November 24, 2006
My comrade Tyehimba's essay on Refuting the Myth of Adam and Eve raised very important points that in my view are not discussed nearly enough as we set about the business of hammering out a Caribbean civilisation and reconstructing the Africa as we knew it to be. I wish to further add to his contribution by calling into question something I think he himself should have paid more attention to: the psychological, social and political impact of the historicising of the Adam and Eve story, indeed the entire Old Testament as well as the New Testament and its central figure.
Today as the debate rages on over the issue of Intelligent Design vs Evolution - a truly nonsensical debate if there ever was one - I find very few people understand something that should have been quite obvious, glaringly obvious. The Christian argument has no place in any scientific discussion because it is simply not scientific and likewise, the scientific argument has no place in theology because it is not theological. This is one of the proverbial elephants in the room that no one (especially those on the religious side) seems to have picked up on. But then the Christian worldview and Christian teachings has such a deep hold on people's psyche that even though many in the Evolutionist camp dismiss the Creationists, they themselves make very little attempt to analyse and deconstruct the Creationist's foundational arguments. It's almost as if there is a quiet deference to certain articles of faith and the obvious is now anything but that.
Women: Women and Activism: Where Have The Women Gone?
Tante Merle, whey yuh?
By Corey Gilkes
"Woman is Boss" – Denyse Plummer, Calypsonian
"Woman is principal, is principal, is principal" – Igbo women chant
Michael De Gale asked a very important question in his article published on July 27th: "Where have all the good men gone?" That is, where are the larger than life intellectuals, "radical" thinkers and revolutionaries who shook up the Western world from the 50s to the mid 70s? The rationale that led to the colonising of the Americas and Africa, the holding of the indigenous peoples in positions little better than cattle, is still around and is no less diabolical. There is still a pressing need for intelligent, articulate people striving to engage the imperialist (that much-beaten word already?) and transform the various societies we find ourselves in. But, as Comrade De Gale has suggested, it appears that no one has stepped in to carry on the works of Amilcar Cabral, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Sir Arthur Lewis, Kwame Ture, Walter Rodney and the others we know of.
By Michael De Gale
Where have all the good men gone? The Caribbean visionaries who advocated for a united Caribbean stretching from the Bahamas in the north to Suriname in the south. From Central America in the west to Barbados in the east. Men who envisioned a Caribbean where trade and economic corporation flows as easily as the tides that wash these blessed shores. Where are the men who knew instinctively that Caribbean unity is fundamental to the region's survival in the global economy? Men, who before the discovery of oil and natural gas – the mortar that can hold the region together – advocated the need for Caribbean solidarity to stave off marginalization, economic dependency and exploitation. Men who believed, that a common history and culture were ties, strong enough to foster Caribbean unity and economic empowerment? Men who knew, that it is folly to sit back and react to global developments rather than adopt a proactive approach. Where are Shiradat Ramphal, Dr. Eric Williams, Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley, Dr.Cheddi Jagan, Arthur Lewis and Michael Manley from the English speaking Caribbean? Where are Fidel Castro, Roberto Fernandez Retamar and Jose Marti- our Spanish speaking brethrens? Where are Aime Cesaire, Frantz Fanon and Antenor Firmin of the French Caribbean islands? Men of vision and substance who understood, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I could name dozens more men and women from every area of the Caribbean who saw the infinite wisdom of a united Caribbean region, but for now perhaps someone can tell me, where have all the good men gone?
Racism Watch: Exposing Rome's papal geo-political supremacy - Part 1
Colour of smoke does matter
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
Now that the conclave of 115 Cardinals have elected
German-Bavaria-born Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XV1) as the
265th Pope of the Catholic Church, certain aspects of the selection
process need to be examined along with the exposure of the past
geo-political supremacist history of the Church.
At the outset, it must be noted that the modus operandi of the
papal selection process dictates that when "Black smoke rises
from the chimney above the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican" it
indicates a "no choice" decision among the Cardinals; however,
when White smoke rises, it indicates " a choice" in the
decision to select a new Pope.
The Last Poets Recalled
By Ron Jacobs
Summer 1971. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I was hanging out with a friend in his room in the Westend section of the city. We were reading Zap Comix and some new underground papers he had brought back with him from the States. A bowl of hashish had set us up nice and the Grateful Dead's Anthem of the Sun was spinning on his turntable. The music was turned low so as not to disturb his neighbors on the other side of the paper-thin wall of the rooming house. The two men who lived there, one from some place in western Africa and the other a Black man recently discharged from the US Army, worked nights and needed their sleep. Just when Pigpen began the song "Alligator" on the Dead album, a loud, intense percussive beat came through the wall. My first thought was that one of the neighbors was playing a conga. Then came the chanting voices"When the revolution comes/some of us will catch it on TV/with chicken hanging from our mouths/you'll know it's revolution/because there won't be no commercials/when the revolution comes." My friend nodded. "It's The Last Poets again."
Psychology: The Psychology of Christian Fundamentalism
By Walter A. Davis
"I know you're a Christian, but who are you a Christian against."
--Kenneth Burke
In Apocalypse, a patient study of Christian fundamentalism based on extensive interviews over a five year period with members of apocalyptic communities Charles Strozier identifies four basic beliefs as fundamental to Christian fundamentalism. (1) Inerrancy or biblical literalism, the belief that every word of the Bible is to be taken literally as the word of God; (2) conversion or the experience of being reborn in Christ; (3) evangelicalism or the duty of the saved to spread the gospel; and (4) Apocalypticism or Endism, the belief that The Book of Revelations describes the events that must come to pass for God's plan to be fulfilled. [1] Revelations thus becomes an object of longing as well as the key to understanding contemporary history, to reading the news of the day and keeping a handle on an otherwise overwhelming world. Each of these categories, Strozier adds, must be understood not doctrinally but psychologically. What follows attempts to constitute such an understanding by analyzing each category as the progression of a disorder that finds the end it seeks in Apocalyptic destructiveness.
By Reuben Albo
Psychologists have attempted to define, measure and understand the nature of intelligence for many years now. I will argue that intelligence is by no means a simple construct that can be simply measured by an IQ test, but rather it is a very complex and culturally-based concept as suggested by Robert Sternberg in his 2004 APA Presidential Address. Proponents of an excessively genetic understanding of intelligence often have racist agendas or are simply ignorant of the challenges facing the marginalized people of the world such as members of the African-American community. Herrnstein and Murray exemplify this ignorant bias in their articles from their controversial publication in 1994, The Bell Curve. We will examine intelligence with respect to these and other theorists and discuss some of the implications and changes that come with a broader understanding of intelligence.
By Ayanna
September 03, 2003
"…humans have a deep abiding need in their psyche to be consistent in our attitudes and behaviors; we want to feel in agreement and unified in thought and action. Inner harmony sounds good to everyone, and so it was Festinger's view that when we feel a disharmony, or dissonance, within ourselves, between two factors, we strive to decrease this tension by either changing our original thought, giving strength to the opposing thought, or letting go of the behavior. All three techniques are in the name of decreasing dissonance because it is threatening to experience such a large crack in our rationale that dissonance often creates" (
While I agree with the conditions that cause people to experience this phenomenon, I must say I do not think they have got it absolutely right. Festinger insists that in order to minimize or erase the tension created by cognitive dissonance, humans either change or modify their original thoughts to accommodate the new information or abandon the old ideas completely.
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