About Us
December 31, 2002
This group of Websites operate under the three domain names: AfricaSpeaks.com, RastaSpeaks.com and RastafariSpeaks.com.
This helps to spell out our direction and intention to keep three main areas of discussion under one umbrella. The General African focus is clear. The natural earth livity as was practiced by the most ancient people, and those who believe in the divinity of Haile Selassie, are included.
Here we encourage a deeper reflection into history, together with improved insight and awareness to shed new light on our past, present and future.
These Websites evolved from an earlier Rastafari Speaks Website and Message Board (snapshot of 2002 Message Board) that started on Trinicenter.com in 2001. Ras Forever, Ayinde and Aisha, all of whom resided in Trinidad and Tobago, created the initial Website and message board, which has evolved to these Websites today. During the earlier years, Ras Forever was the main consultant on all Dreadlocks Rasta related matters for all the Websites. The strong African focus remained the main theme of this, and all affiliated Websites.
Ras Forever passed forward on December 23rd 2002. Article
Ras Forever came to us many years ago when we had a weekly radio talk show. He was one of the persons who encouraged us to expand on the Internet and to incorporate a variety of Rastafarian views. He also introduced us to persons whom he thought were good educators. Several writers on our various Websites were first introduced to us through him. We are richer for having known him.
Ras Tyehimba is now the chief consultant on all Dreadlocks Rasta related matters for these Websites. He is also one of the administrators. Some of Ras Tyehimba's writings can be found at www.rastaspeaks.com/tyehimba.
Our management team, under the leadership of Aisha, has since grown, and we have incorporated more people who share our common African developmental focus. Like all things must, this Website has evolved, and will continue to evolve to incorporate more aspects of our African Diaspora while we pay attention to all important World issues.
The Administrators and Moderators of these Websites also work elsewhere, so it is not possible to have any one person available all the time. It is not possible to promptly respond to all emails. Please be patient.
The Rastafari Speaks Message Board and the Rastafari Speaks Interactive Center generally welcomes those who wish to reason on the various aspects of Rastafarian livity. We see this and all other manifestations of African culture in the Diaspora, as part of our core African theme and focus. Our interest is not merely the debates among the many interpretations of Rastafari, but the general development of people.
The Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum engages topics related to the African Diaspora, and other current World Issues.
Other valuable news and views are available on Africa Speaks Weblog, and on our affiliated Websites.
Please read our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Debating on our Forums.

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These Websites have been designed and scripted by Ayinde and Aisha.
This Website is part of a group of Websites operated by
Self Empowerment Learning Fraternity.
To send us your comments, questions or suggestions regarding this Website, email: iditor@rastafarispeaks.com
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