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    Marcus Garvey: Marcus Garvey: Millennium Afrikan Hero
    Marcus Garvey
    By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
    April 29, 2007

    At the dawn of this new millennium, Afrikan peoples should be both proud and knowledgeable of their heroes who have advanced and championed their cause. One such millennium hero is Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

    As such, it is now apropos to delineate the positive, potent and posthumous contributions of this Afrikan hero to the total unification and liberation of Afrikan peoples on the Continent and throughout the Diaspora.

    The tentacles of Garvey extend beyond the geographic confines of the Caribbean a la Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley. They both gave the oppressed the big picture of European global dominance, supremacy and colonialism/imperialism.

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    Marcus Garvey: Garvey's Legacy in Context: Colourism, Black Movements and African Nationalism
    Marcus Garvey
    By Ayanna Gillian
    "From early history to the present, we learn of men and women who have emerged from their environment and so far outdistanced their contemporaries in thought and action that in their day they were apt to be called 'mad, dangerous or fools'. Long after their death, when the truths were espoused or the experiments they conducted validated... then they who have been convinced by experience are prone to admit that the visionary was right and must have been inspired to be so persevering."
    These words of Garvey's wife, Amy Jacques Garvey aptly encapsulate the ideology, achievements and mixed public perception of Marcus Garvey. They also underscore the far-reaching and unprecedented nature of his legacy of black self-determinism and the critical importance of black enterprise. It is on the shoulders of Garvey that tenets of political, social and economic self-determination for Africans and the creation of a global African nation were built. In fact the widespread influence of Garveyism as a Pan-Africanist and liberation ideology far outstripped his actual achievements in his lifetime.

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    Marcus Garvey: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey
    Marcus Garvey
    By Tony Martin

    Marcus Garvey died on June 10, 1940 after building the most successful Pan-African government of all time. Garvey organized the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League in 1914 at a time when the future of the African World looked grim. The final touches to the European imperialistic conquest of Africa were being put in place. Heaped upon the devastation of four and a half centuries of trans-Atlantic and Arab slave trades, there now came, in the wake of European conquest, genocide, forced labor, slavery and political and cultural subjugation.

    In Afro-America the civil rights gains of the post-Civil War period had been wiped out. A reign of terror unleashed by the Klu Klux Klan and similar groups, aided and abetted by racist state legislatures, a conniving judiciary and an indifferent federal government, had all conspired to return the African-American population to the brink of slavery. By 1914 thousands of Black people had been savagely murdered in the streets, at the hands of mobs of white people, numbering at times in the thousands.

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    Marcus Garvey: Africa For The Africans
    Marcus Garvey
    Say! Africa for the Africans,
    Like America for the Americans:
    This the rallying cry for a nation,
    Be it in peace or revolution.

    Blacks are men, no longer cringing fools;
    They demand a place, not like weak tools;
    But among the world of nations great
    They demand a free self-governing state.

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