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"War Crimes in the name of Democracy and Freedom"
War Crimes in the name of Democracy and FreedomThe US is supposed to represent the apex of 'democracy' and 'freedom'; hence, those terms have become as ugly as the US. Just hearing the terms makes ones stomach turn, feeling revulsion, as does looking at the faces of Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfwitz, Cheney, Powell, Blair and Sharon. All of them are vile war criminals and state terrorists from their own definitions and actions. www.paknews.com
Professor Denounced for POW Memo for Bush
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Some graduating University of California law students used their commencement Saturday to denounce a professor who helped the Bush administration develop a legal framework that critics say led to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
The Jan. 9, 2002, memo, first reported by Newsweek magazine Monday, laid out the legal reasons why the United States didn't have to comply with international treaties governing prisoner rights. It argued that the normal laws of armed conflict didn't apply to al-Qaida and Taliban militia prisoners because they didn't belong to a state. www.guardian.co.uk