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Re: Nuwaubians Losing Their Home
Posted By: pharonic In Response To: Re: Nuwaubians Losing Their Home (Isis1)
Date: Tuesday, 19 August 2003, at 2:54 a.m.
A waste of brain neurons leads to neuroses ? You're delving in one of my fields of expertise (yum-yum) since I have several (plus) posts on the working matter of the brain and neural science that you undoubtedly read and elected to "bite" no problem it's free and unpatented . However, GET IT RIGHT !! Firstly, NEURONS are nerve cells specialized to carry messages through a "electrochemical" process. There are over 100 billion BRAIN NEURONS !!! If you are wasting brain neurons you have to have less than a "million" currently ! What happened to the original 100 billion for a strong "genetic constitution can endure all forms of information without wasting neuronic strength since a 100 billion have been granted ! What's going on inside your head if you feel you're "WASTING"? Isis my dear,neurosis is related to anxiety, depression, and emotional breakdown "not a waste of brain neurons" but BRAIN CELLS a huge difference.Neurosis originates within the the central nervous system and there are various forms of neurosis (optic,emotional,etc) mostly caused by an ill advised diet,stressful environment, and not to mention a POOR genetic matrix (hmmm). Jealousy is a form of neurosis.... eating disorders are a form of neurosis NOT relative to brain neurons which are MESSENGERS !!! I ascertain why you used the term "pseudoscience" something very relative to your post on neurosis! Anything outside your realm appears to be related to sci-fi books (Arthur Clarke please advise I am unfamiliar to this person) and the sci-fi channel (is this an actual television station) !!! It's your prerogative to post what you post!! You state you are a mental health expert albeit a sci-fi enthusiast posting "purple skies made of fruit loops" and verbalizing how the lack of utilizing BRAIN NEURONS leads to neurosis (WRONG) and everything mentioned scientifically is "pseudoscience" with your one scientific post so incredulously INCORRECT...Isis, when you open your mouth you tell the world WHO YOU ARE !!! I hear you pseudoscience more "Self-Implosion" !!!
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