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Re: Music ...Shifting Gears
Posted By: pharonic In Response To: Re: Music ...Shifting Gears (The Spear of Truth)
Date: Monday, 4 August 2003, at 10:41 p.m.
Spear of Truth,
I have been traveling and just seen your question here goes:
In Ancient Egypt Harmony applies to sound (music) and form (architecture). The use of musically derived harmonies in architecture was held to be expressive of the Divine Harmony engendered at the act of creation by the Word (So Called Big bang Theory). The intimate relationship in Ancient Egypt between harmony and music and architecture is reflected in their language . The design of ancient Egyptian architecture was based on proportion. It can be clearly proven that music is in reality geometry translated into sound (classical) for in music the same harmonies can be heard, which underlie architectural proportion. The Masons claim that their rites, knowledge and traditions are rooted in Egypt, and there are many indications to support that. The famed MOZART was a mason just like his father and many notable people in his era. MOZART'S music was the "spirit" of the past of the Ancient Egyptian traditions. Mozart's crowning achievement was the Masonic Opera, where the power of masonry becomes the power of music by utilizing Egyptian symbols. Mozart's music is scientifically proven to raise IQ by focusing attention, enhance right brain creativity, and reduce stress and tension while moderating heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature ! Most Black people think Caucasians go to symphonies for amusement "Oh No" they go to get mentally aligned (neural stimulation) via our ancestors sacred geometry emanating thru CLASSICAL...That's why the ELITE go to (the opera,etc.) to get psychically healed and to activate right and left brain hemispheres. I hope I helped you !
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