JAH blessings and thanks for your thoughts
You hit the nail on the head. For me it is so easy to hope and know where yourself and others within Black movements are coming from. However for those around me it is not so easy. How is this problem solved when even such a large percentage of those who claim to follow the RASTA movement cannot themselves even hope to overstand where they are failing the movement and any hope of uplifting Blacks and Black nations?
All this because they cannot allow a Black person enough raspect to be who they truly are.
This same reasoning on the subject of whites whitewashing within the movement as well as within western society on a daily basis was here and being reasoned nearly two years ago now. I did hope to come back to to find that maybe ideas had changed but I see the same people defending the movement(JAH bless them) and the same old school still turning away from the idea of being educated on Black issues by Black people who know the experience of being a Black person in such a whitewashed world.
Well over 15 years ago I took up the call of RASTA. During that time I did the best I could to learn as much as possible about the movement . Approx three years ago and thanks to many beautiful people on this forum I stood back from the movement because they taught me that the best way I could help this movement was by letting it be the movement it grew from, A movement for Black people, Black nations and Black cultures.
How STUPID was I to think that I as white would have the experience and knowledge to be able to educate on black issues all because I had a passion and love for all things African and all things RASTA. My love for the RASTA movement as a Black movement for black people was so strong and real and is even more so today, that I truly found stepping back from the idea of being or wanting to be RASTA was one of the most important things I could have ever done for the movement.
It truly saddens me that so much energy is used up by those who truly love all things African on the ego of whites who will not open there eyes to the damage they are doing.
I can only truly reason on what I know and I know that whites within the movement need to look past their own ego's, their on insecurities, their own colourblindness if they are to help the movement move forward in uplifting Black people and their nations. If they truly loved the movement then they would put Black people before there own wants and let the Black people of this movement educate on Black issues of both yesterday and Today without whitewashing it with western mindset, religions and blatant ignorance towards the needs of those who this movement is for,Black people fullstop!!!!!!!!!!!
I give no apology to any white rasta who I have squashed their dream of being a RASTA because it is not their movement and never will be.
I have learnt to love the movement and its people so much more from the outside because I know that this movement is stronger without my ignorance and is more of the movement that it should be.
I hope I have made sence and if any white so called rasta has read this I hope you learn to overstand how you are damaging this amazing and beautiful movement.
JAH blessing
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