In considering the merits of this article the writer nails many a valid point. However, one point, in my opinion, bears deeper scrutiny. Let me hit it from another side....
"For a start there is no such thing as a 'race.' The human family is not split up into different, self-contained racial types - caucasian, mongoloid and negroid. That was a piece of pseudo-scientific racism which helped whites to persuade themselves that black people were fundamentally different."
While some of this is true, as far as how race became distorted and used as an instrument against Blacks and other races for discrimination..I must disagree with the writer's ascertations that there is "no such thing as race" For in my opinion, race is indeed a very important aspect to consider when dealing in matters pertaining to Whole of humanity.
Race is a distinct group of people united together on the basis of their common history, culture, and geographic location. It contains genetically transmitted characteristics passed on from generation to generation and grants automatic elements specific to each group. Race is a part of human evolution that became a necessity for surviving environmental adaptations.
With that recognition comes a great responsibility to learn one's personal and collective history. It is important to know how we evolved from one group of people into the many now distinct groups and why. Many of today's problems seem to stem from not knowing enough personal, collective, and general history and has typically contributed to a whole host of social ills with much of its roots snarled in racism, lies, distortions, and overall ignorance.
Nationalistic pride also walks a fine line here. For though it is good to take pride within a distinct group of people, culture, and land..often it is used for misguided means by holding one group of people as better, or superior over another. It has become the fodder for war, discrimination, and many other forms of human abuse. But again..within the cutural constructs of a particular race "Nationalism" can mean different things.
Knowing the full spectrum of history is not a cure all for healing the many problems in this world. But it offers those who are willing an opportunity to better understand how people come to think, act, and relate to the world around them. It offers a collective responsibility that behooves right thinking people to be aware of the many issues surrounding their people, and to account for the ways in which other groups come to percieve them.
It is intersting to note how collective experiences contribute to modern day mindsets. Most people are totally unaware of how deeply ingrained the patterns of socially "conditioned" reflexes/responses are, and simply react unconsciously with certain overt and covert attitudes and behaviours that stem directly from generations of their collective racial history. In keeping this in mind, one can then discover the tendancies most displayed by their racial ethnic group and begin the long hard road of addressing and re-dressing the many hard issues related specifically to their overall conduct.
It is frequently asked WHY the issues of race keep getting so much attention that often draws quite a reaction. One of the reasons in my opinion is that it pushes into that comfort zone that most people wish to avoid. For if one chooses to engage in a meaningful dialogue about race, one must be willing to look at their own history and see how they themselves may have contributed to the status quo. Many are quite unwilling to do so but would rather point the finger at someone else, rather than check themselves...or would even prefer to sweep everyone under the carpet of feel good vibes and one love rhetoric with no distinctions at all...this way no one needs take accountability or responsibility for the travesties commited by their own race.
Some of us feel the responsibility to keep hitting this issue over and over, as long as is necessary to keep bringing the racial injustices to the forefront. For most people it is most uncomfortable and stirs up alot of buried, hidden, guilty, painful, insecure feelings. They would much rather move on to something more pleasant and feel good again. But here is where the rubber meets the road and WHY this issue must be talked about, confronted, and hung out to dry for all to see and check themselves. It is BECAUSE ones continue to AVOID these sensitive and serious issues of race, that keeps bringing these very strong reactions once one scratches just a little beneath the surface of one's SKIN. Denial only serves to perpetuate ignorance. By continuing to reason on these often difficult issues, we learn to listen and apply what we consciously know is right to do and help to restore some sense of balance by taking a good hard look at who we are in relation to our race and what that means in terms of humanity.
Having said all that, I do think the body of humanity is as a Whole, with each member contributing a very specific and valuable function to the greater good. We each bring a different lens to view our experiences through, and thus help keep the body in check.
Personal responsibility begins with the Self and free will is the foundation for everything one chooses to bring into their universal consciousness. So it is here where one must choose what it is they wish to see... and act accordingly with what they come to know as Truth.
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