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Re: A Pan-African perspective on the Nigerian cris

You made sound and reasonable points Ras Benjamin let me expand on that…

Many of us think we understand what the problem of Africa is. Many have played with many theories, not ignoring a lot of people who expound these theories are not Africans, so how would they know….

To solve a problem go to the source!! African Leaders are just poodles of the white man desperate to please their masters. They are all too willing to sell black Africans down the river to maintain the status quo. Many would blame TRIBALISM, others would tell you it is the partition of the continent, while some would tell you it’s due to colonial rule. What no one says is what is obvious, that the problems come with our love for our former slave masters. White people know we have this problem and exploit it, whereas as black people we refuse to admit it. Enlightened African leaders tried to stem the tide of idolization and dependency but the Africans undermined their efforts and the Amerikkkan CIA got rid of them.

Don’t let anyone fool you about the unity and dynamism of the Africans. Take a look around you in Europe and Amerikkka. Look at the Africans of diverse ethic background around you and see how organized they are and how well they do and flourish when they are not under the misgoverning that goes on in Africa. The example they set in Europe and Amerikkka should tell you these are people who can go far, and they can take Africa very far if they had good leaders.

FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF YEARS WE HAVE HAD CIVILIAN GOVERNMENTS, MANY HAVE LEARNT NOT TO ROCK THE BOAT AND THEREFORE ALLOW THEM TO BE MANIPULATED AND ARE IN THE FIRM CONTROL OF WESTERN LEADERS. They are null of ideas and have no vision. It’s far easier to depend and look to the white man for direction and that’s what they do. When Asian countries do well, they do so because they have had good, capable and stable leaders. Africa never enjoyed that privilege…

We have heard many theories of Africa’s underdevelopment due to tribalism. The truth being that the white people came over arrested and stopped the progress black Africa had embarked on since colonial rule. The interference that took place in Africa did not happen with the Asian Tiger economies! There was no struggle between East and west in their Social and Political lives...

PLEASE DON’T UNDERESTIMATE WHAT THE USA WITH ITS ALLIES IN EUROPE CAN DO. You saw what happened in Vietnam. Cuba was a prosperous country until it went against the USA. The Arabs learned to their cost what it means to go against the west. They continuously lost every war against a small and country like Israel. Angola just knows a cease-fire after 35 years of civil war because the USA does not need to fuel the war that was raging with its support. Africa suffered badly because to gain our independence, many African countries had to turn to the Soviet Union for help. This turned the USA against the continent and the rest is history.
Many of us have heard of how much the USA is hated around the world. Many of us only realized this when two planes it the World Trade Towers on September 11th. Why do they hate America so much???! Well, because Amerikkka destroys countries and lives.

To free the continent of this interference, it is probable we have to turn to Nigerian or Congolese leadership with their vast potential of oil, coal, iron, copper and all the other minerals and human resources. By putting intelligent concerned indigenous leaders, with moral values and a conviction of DEMOCRACY, in control of such immense and profitable states, we can stop and control western interference in Africa! THROUGH LOBBY WE CAN HURT THE WESTERN GOVERNMENTS IF THEY INTERFERE OR MISBEHAVE. These strategies should bring order and stability. The prosperity, freedom and stability it could create should free Africans of the pain of tribalism and hand to develop the continent.


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