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Re: 12 Tribes doctrine

Give thanks Iyah. I will check the references you suggested.

How did the months become associated with the tribes though?

When I first heard about 12 Tribes doctrine (from the outside, I've never been a member nor do I intend to be), I checked my blessing as a Reubenite, and indeed it made sense to me as reflective of my general personality and attributes, and strong points and weak points. I do wonder though if I couldn't have interpreted a lot of the other blessings as applying to me... much like astrology, it seems like you see more there when you WANT to see more there, so the question is, is it really there or are you projecting your expectations on it? I guess it doesn't matter that much as long as it's a positive influence in your life... anyway, I'm Kwame Reuben cos I born a Saturday in April, but that "Reuben" is about the only aspect of 12 Tribes doctrine I've internalized... I do read the Bible, but not necessarily a chapter a day... and I try to be as strict an italist as I can (though I haven't succeeded in entirely cutting out fish yet, and have an unfortunate nicotine addiction problem I've yet to conquer), so I question what seems to be the "looseness" of the Tribes on this aspect, like that it's OK to eat chicken... I feel like, why take ANY life if you have the option not to...

Well I starting to ramble here... anyway, if you have any insight on how the months and the tribes got lined up I'd apprecilove it. I had checked the interview with Gad a while back- if it's the same interview- but (no disrespect) he seemed kind of vague on some of that stuff. He said what he believed but he didn't explain much about where it comes from.

Give thanks for the reasoning. Another time when I have more time on my hands I'd like to reason with you about being a psychiatric nurse... cos having gone through the psych. system I was thinking perhaps some day I might like to investigate that as a career, so that I could help people in the same situation I was in.

Raspek Peace and Love my sista, JAH guide and protect.

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Re: 12 Tribes doctrine
Re: 12 Tribes doctrine
Re: SIS NAPHTALI & G-MAN!!!!!!!!

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