Haile I Selassie I
Having a majority of people in an area would not mean they will qualify to rule the minority around them. Leadership need more than that sometimes ire. Conquest is sometimes the order of the day.
For example. look at a nation like Brazil where the majority are Indians and Blacks and they do not rule. Once Jah say De I should rule then no one will ever stop that ire.
Even if they use their conquest to rule for an iver then the next person will get their turn one bright day. All this is by Jah will not Man. Man always trying to conquer each other.
Look at Austrailia where the majority of people were the Black natives and they are ruled by a smaller number of Europeans who came there and took over the land by the guns and brute force(colonization).
I keep saying the Oromos never went through no more hardship than any Black people anywhere else on this earth, especially the Black people of the Diaspora(Carry beyond).
They (Oromos)are only one tribe in Africa, so what special treatment do they deserve more than any other blacks??? All Black peoples are Africans regardless of where they are born on this earth.
Is this black against black tribal business that causing so much weakness in the African Nation as a whole, and for a very long iver. No true Ire???
My Question will always remain the same here.
When is the African people on the Continent going to put away their traditional tribal warfare and petty differences to look out for Africa Collective Security??
Africa is for Africans, those at home and those abroad,not just Oromos. Too much tribalism going on for too long.
Time to put away all this division in order to build up the continent ire. No true???
No one must agree with my reasoning here, yet BIGG UPP to all who do
Niyabinghi I.
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