Greetings Idrens and Sisthrens
Ras Hal I will only put a few words here because of your post to say. All ones have come short of the Glory of the Most High, and none are fully perfect except the Most High Himself. Even some of His trusted Angels followed the evil one and sin.
I really seeing things getting better once we put away some of our fights and disagreements and Inite to save our Nation Africa. This is the Big job for the African Union with their new Charter.
The EWFInc will always be there to work with the people especially now that I and I are reinstated Officially in the last four years from 1999- onwards.
I and I really desire to see more inity with the people of this dispensation, say from 1974 when the Ethiopian revolution took place. Now Africa has new leaders. Let I and I see what they are going to do, even in the next five years, 2004-2009
Eritrea is Africa lesson of Secession, and what it mean to fight with you neighbour. The commandments said to love your neighbour as de I Love yourself, and so I and I cannot continue to let the political tricksters(Misleaders) continue to fool I and I people to divide them even more. It need more Inity for Africa nowwww. No true Ras Hal??
I and I can put away I and I petty differences and live better as Africans at home and abroad. And I and I can show the rest of the world that I and I can have an Inited Nation run by our own way, instead of the Neo- Colonialist(IMF, WTO and false Governments) that do not care about the people's suffering for thousands of years.
I feel all that misleadership is going to stop sooner than I and I can see it, for Jah is not asleep. I and I must wake up and see this great light of inity that is shining to guide I and I to the Almighty home. There is no way a divided Africa can survive any longer than this iver.
It is a great job that I delight to be a part of, just like my great Ancestors of Africa who fight all their life for this same inity cause until when they formed the OAU. And so I and I still looking to see what the new, So called Leaders are going to do with this mystic Charter(AU).
BIGGG UPP Ras Hal. Everyone have a right to they own destiny, yet inity is the best way to live with each other.
Iter touch said in another way. I am not in this world to live up to no one expectations, neither is anyone here to live up to mine, I dont owe no Man no obligation, no one owe I none, so everything is fine. I am that I am. I am a Rastaman, and so I see Love and Peace and Inity is better than division, hate, and corruption.
Bigg UPP to the inity process here and all over always. BIgg UPPP idren Ras Hal. I reasoned with a couple real conscious Eritreans, and it is a mystic experience to live in your area ire. All Black peoples are Africans once called Ethiopians by many. It is just words that does fool people some of the ivers.
Africans must inite now regardless of the differences. That is my motto here.
BIGG UPP again all ones on this Thread. BIGGG UPPP SISI TAFARI also. BIGGG UPP AFRICANS.
Haile I Selassie I
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