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PolygamyContrary to popular belief, sex is not the primary focus of polygamy. It is grounded in the principle of collectivity / village / oneness which is the foundation of the success of Afrikan civilization. I am not here to promote polygamy nor chant it down. But it cannot be deemed as unrighteous by any sense, not spiritually, biblically, economically, socially, culturally, etc. In these times, when the Black Family finds itself in absolute chaos, under this western system / culture / order, polygamy needs to be discussed and reviewed, as a Nation, for we are today more fragmented then ever. There are many more women to men, why should one sistah be honored, provided for and protected, while the other be dishonored by being neglected and relegated to being "my baby's mama". Why shouldn't we pull our resources together, strengthen the Kingman, and give the youths extra security? Why shouldn't we consider returning to our ancient traditions, especially when we have seen the results of Western culture? It is simply amazing to me that sistahz grudgingly accept that men "cheat" and dishonor them, but absolutely reject our ancient tradition, where economics are shared, work is shared, motherhood is shared, and things are done in the light, with honesty and balance. Why fight something which may prove to be beneficial to us all as a collective? Oh…how the western mind has poisoned us to accept his devilish philosophies, and deny the ways of our ancestors. "For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am Black; astonishment hath taken hold of me." From the book Facing Mt. Kenya by Jomo Kenyatta: "After a man has had the first wife, "nyakiambi", a year or so generally passes, and then HIS WIFE starts to question him about getting a second wife, especially if she is expecting a child or immediately after she has had one. "My husband, don't you think it is wise for you to get me a companion (moiru)? Look at our position now. I am sure you will realize how God has been good to us to give us a nice and healthy baby. For the first few days I must devote all my attention to nursing our baby. I am weak...I can't go to the river to bring water nor to the field to bring some food, nor to weed our gardens. You have no one to cook for you. When strangers come you have no one to entertain them. I have no doubt that you realize the seriousness of the matter. What do you think of the daughter of So-and-SO? She is beautiful and industrious and people speak highly about her and her family. DO NOT FAIL ME, my husband. Try to win her love. I have spoken to her and found that she is very interested in our homestead. In anything that I can do to help you I am at your service, my husband. Even if we have not enough sheep and goats for the dowry, our relatives and friends will help you so that you can get her into our family. You are young and healthy and this is the best time for us to have healthy children and so enlarge our family group, thereby perpetuate our family name after you and I have gone. My husband, please act quickly as you know the Kikuyu saying: "Mae megotherrera mondo onyotie" (The flowing water of the river does not wait for a thirsty man")The husband then, following his wife's advice, starts to act. He approaches his parents, and after consultation with them, arrangements are made to visit the girl and her parents. If accepted, he proceeds to pay the sory and other gifts connected with marriages. When all arrangements are completed, he builds a hut next to that of the first wife home..." In Matthew 19:3-9, Y'shua is not speaking about polygamy. Rather, He is only answering a question about divorce. Indeed, the entire passage is about divorce, not polygamy. Polygamy is about marriage, whereas divorce is about breaking up marriage. Accordingly, Y'shua was not speaking against pro-marriage polygamy in Matthew 19. He was instead addressing marriage destruction of divorce, not polygamy. For context, it is important to note that the "one flesh" verse itself of Genesis 2:24, which the Lord Jesus was re-quoting, was written by Moses. And Moses married (was "one flesh" with) two wives: Zipporah (Exodus 2:16-21 and 18:1-6) and the Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1). The term, "one flesh", could not otherwise allegedly mean that a man could not be "one flesh" with more than one woman because three things did indeed happen: 1) Moses did marry two wives. 2) Moses did author such other verses as Exodus 21:10 and Deuteronomy 21:15.3) Jesus Christ did not speak against Moses being "one flesh" with two wives. Hence, the Scriptures reveal that Jesus and Moses knew what "one flesh" meant when Moses authored Genesis 2:24: a man may be "one flesh" with more than one woman. "If a man have two w i v e s...Deuteronomy 21:15. The passage of Deuteronomy 21:15-17 is a specific instruction in the Law itself to any man with "two wives". If polygamy was a sin, then it would not be possible for a "man to have two wives" in the Law. "If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated: Then it shall be, when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he hath, that he may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of the hated, which is indeed the firstborn: But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his." Deuteronomy 21:15-17. "If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish." Exodus 21:10. Exodus 21:10 protects the first (and previous) wife(s). Note that this verse comes only 22 verses AFTER the 7th Commandment ("Thou shalt not commit adultery") in Exodus 20:14. I overstand the argument many will use stating that His Majesty did not have several wives, therefore Rastafari shouldn't either. But according to biblical law, it is divorce which is not approved of, not polygamy. Let us not forget that His Imperial Majesty Empress Menen, who brought with her children of her previous marriage into her new marriage with HIM. His Majesty is the 250 descendant of the Royal Solomonic Dynasty which, truth be told, was a polygamous one. Perhaps he chose not to do so himself, but he comes from a Lineage which did. I'm not here to staunchly defend or promote polygamy or monogamy, but give a traditional Afrikan perspective to the descendants of Afrika who may or may not hold fast to westernized biblical perspective, with all due respect and overstanding. InI must wisely discern the difference between polygamy and promiscuity. Let us also consider the fact that unlike what the westernized mind would sight as "subservience" among women inna polygamous relation, or a form of degradation to the women, that it is in fact polygamous societies which honored the Goddess Principle, and were moreover matriarchal societies, whereas the western (white) world has always degraded and subjected its women within its patriarchal system. Just some things to think about – before being so quick to deem polygamy as unrighteous according to biblical law. Not only is it part of InI Kulcha but spiritual / socio-economic levity as well. Polygamy and monogamy have always co-existed in our Afrikan traditions. Ethiopian Women This is not the first time that Ethiopian women have served their country and their Emperor side by side with their menfolk, as history can vouchsafe this well known fact. We are satisfied with the ability that Ethiopian women have shown in Our new educational progress. Not only is it our desire that in the future, women should not have less chance than men but it is also our intentions to encourage them to make equal contributions by participating with their menfolk in the various projects for the development of their country. Nothing gives Us greater happiness than having founded development programmes and seeing that men and women are now equally benefiting from the projects which We initiated for all Ethiopia. - Words of Him Emperor Haile Sellassie 1 of Ethiopia Get your copy from: Frontline Distribution Int'l 751 East 75th Street Chicago, Il 60619 Toll free: 1-877-805-5622 Phone: (773) 651-9888 Email: Newspapers Home / Message Board / Rastafari Speaks Homepage |