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South Street Philadelphia
Blue Door
Blue Door
Viewed: 2767 times.

Colorful Windows
Colorful Windows
Viewed: 2871 times.

Another view of the corner bar
Another view of the corner bar
Viewed: 3037 times.

Corner bar... Americans love their "bud" weiser
Corner bar... Americans love their "bud" weiser
Viewed: 2782 times.

Iron Door
Iron Door
Viewed: 2626 times.

Dome ceiling entrance
Dome ceiling entrance
Viewed: 2583 times.

Philly is known for it's cheese Steaks...
Philly is known for it's cheese Steaks...
Viewed: 2623 times.

Spilling out onto the sidewalk
Spilling out onto the sidewalk
Viewed: 2737 times.

Store window
Store window
Viewed: 2775 times.

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