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UWI Students Trip to Kenya

Caribbean students visit Kenya

Highlight for Album: Sharing the Experience
Album: Sharing the Experience

October 14, 2006
Last change: 05/11/09
Contains: 83 items
Viewed: 25483 times.

Highlight for Album: In Transit
Album: In Transit

From Trinidad to Tobago to London to Dubai to Nairobi.
Last change: 05/11/09
Contains: 35 items
Viewed: 13227 times.

Highlight for Album: Arrival in Kenya
Album: Arrival in Kenya

Airport to Nairobi
Last change: 01/06/09
Contains: 54 items
Viewed: 18573 times.

Highlight for Album: Journey to Bungoma
Album: Journey to Bungoma
Last change: 01/06/09
Contains: 53 items
Viewed: 16047 times.

Highlight for Album: Cultural Exchange in Bungoma Village
Album: Cultural Exchange in Bungoma Village
Last change: 05/11/09
Contains: 32 items
Viewed: 13376 times.

Highlight for Album: Medical Students Visit a Kenyan Hospital
Album: Medical Students Visit a Kenyan Hospital
Last change: 01/06/09
Contains: 26 items
Viewed: 9999 times.

Highlight for Album: Sio Primary School
Album: Sio Primary School
Last change: 01/06/09
Contains: 88 items
Viewed: 21615 times.

Highlight for Album: Proposed Site of KVDS Agro Forestry Research Institute
Album: Proposed Site of KVDS Agro Forestry Research Institute
Last change: 01/06/09
Contains: 45 items
Viewed: 15158 times.

Highlight for Album: Mwibale Rock Hill
Album: Mwibale Rock Hill
Last change: 01/06/09
Contains: 78 items
Viewed: 21213 times.

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