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Rastafari Speaks

The Wandering Scythians...

We learn as early as the first few pages of the book entitled “Clio” in Herodotus’ histories that between the Western Asiatic (Greco-European or Modern Mediterranean) and the Eastern Asiatic (Persians, et al), there was racial divide; and the dividing line it would appear existed in the place we now know as Turkey. We also learned from Herodotus that although the Scythians engaged first the Western Asiatic (Medes) and then the Eastern Asiatic (Persians) in battle, they, the Scythians, were originally descended from the Cynetians/Cynesians a people originally from a land west of the land of the Celts, beyond the Pillars of Heracles; our Strait of Gibraltar; according to Herodotus "The Cynesians are a nation of whom nothing is known." He would also go on to tell us that the Scythians were the youngest civilization of the ancient world, going back some one thousand years.

"genetic findings suggests that the people now inhabiting the British Isles (including Irish, Welsh, Scots, Basques and Bretons) are a remnant of groups of people "who also left Spain between 18,000 and 12,000 years ago and spent 6,000 years isolated from Europe before returning, bringing the Megalithic culture to coastal Europe." -

(Recent NOVA interview with Dr. Dennis Stanford and Dr. Bruce Bradley of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History)

Although it is evident (visible evidence to all but the blind) that Scythian/Cynetian blood, based on descriptions of their appearance by ancient historians, now courses through the veins of the modern Asiatic and the Semite; what is not clear is whether the Scythians contributed to any civilization anterior or contemporary with Continental African, Meso-American or for that matter, Melanesian civilization; or whether they took advantage of a void that was left after a natural catastrophe; as was the case in the Mediterranean Islands or Africa Minor, a.k.a. Minoan civilization; as explained by the Egyptian priests to Solon, the Greek: Asia Minor or the Uarti/Kaldi/Cholchi or Black Sea civilization; and the original inhabitants of Melan-Asia, who were clearly responsible for Angkor Wat, Southern India, and Japanese culture, based on their ethnic appearance of the monuments.

The author of “It began in Babel” Herbert Wendt, attributes every early civilization to a mixed or Mediterranean race, which he also refers to as a pre-Semitic race, what races these people are comprised of he does not say.

Messages In This Thread

word/power from Seshatasefekht *LINK*
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
The Adam-antines
the Advancement of Coloreds
Re: the Advancement of Coloreds
What about the Greeks, Romans etc?
Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
who is "they"? semites or europeans? *NM*
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
division is the ultimate semitic protectionism
Re: division is the ultimate semitic protectionism
absolutely *NM*
well the semitic paradigm came from god also
i have a few questions
Mere students on an Ideology...
Re: Mere students of an Ideology...
The Wandering Scythians...
Stranger than non'fiction' *LINK*
Resistance is Futile...
Re: Stranger than non'fiction' *LINK*
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where did both of those dynamics come from? *NM*
actually this is word/power from Oshun_Auset
well thankhs AuSeT *NM*
Western Migration came 1st!!! *LINK*
The Believer *LINK*
Re: The Believer
On the other end of the spectrum...
Before Hanok became Knoah...

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