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Rastafari Speaks

Re: tell me about ultimate human peril/foolishness


You need to clear your head, it sounds like too much of the systems insidious connivance has manifested in your head. There is good and bad, positive and negative. The choice is up to the individual as to which one is chosen!

Right now many of us are like streams, going over the many rocks, crevices and waterfalls on our perilous, but compelling journey towards our Ocean in Life; i.e. the great Infinity(beyond).

Right now the experiences we encounter and share do have the effect of defining us, but ultimately the real who we are is within us and it is each of us that have our individual link/fragment of the Creator and First Source of creation.

please note, when forces are conspiring to derail a one,, sooner or later those forces have to be faced. So the negativity that is within you needs to be faced and dealt with. That is for you to address, although you can get help from outside of yourself, but it is only you who can really begin to free your mind!

Ps Don't take any medical (mind) drugs - cos other than fattening you up, they will only leave you extremely Paro!


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tell me about ultimate human peril/foolishness
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Re: tell me about ultimate human peril/foolishness

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