You are really an ignoramous in every sense of the word. First of all, you are ignorant in that you don't know of what you speak. you have no idea of what kinds of sacrifices the Abuna has made in order to bring the gospel to the Africans of the Diaspora. Secondly, you are ignorant in that you don't know the truth of the everlasting God and obviously have no respect for His commandments or His Word, or you would not disobey the command of His servant St. Paul who teaches that long hair on the head of a man is a shame, also you would not speak wickedly about the man of God, the Abuna. Thirdly you are to cloaked in darkness to realize that there are BIG differences between religions and that one must change their ways if they are to leave one and join the other. Do you think that a Muslim Imam has no right to tell anyone not to eat pork? All religions have their rules and regulations which the followers of those religions believe are ordained by God. Although you would like it to be, the worship of God is not a free-for-all where everyone does as he likes. The sacrifice of Able was accepted while that of Cain was not. Next time you judge someone, mind the judgement doesn't come back on you. You have no RESPECT for God or His Church because you are deluded by demons. As to your question of what right does the Abuna have? He has the right that was bestowed upon him by God as a spiritual descendent of the Apostles. when the Apostles went out to evangelize the world, they did not allow the heathens to continue in their diabolical practices, they told them that they must change in order to enter the Church. The Abuan has every right to do the same thing, because an idol worshipper cannot enter the Church, and one who believes that our beloved Emperor is a God is an idol worshipper.
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