Ras Forever passes forward

December 25, 2002 by Trinicenter Staff
Christopher Williams (Ras Forever, Ras Akel) the co-founder of the Rastafari Speaks Message Board, passed forward on December 23, 2002.
He was on his way to visit relatives at Superville Hill, Chinapoo, Trinidad and Tobago, when an accident occurred.
At around 8pm Williams and his daughter Akelia, 17, were in his car proceeding up a narrow road on Superville Hill, en route to a relative's home. At the same time, a truck was heading down the hill, forcing Williams to reverse his car to allow the truck to pass. While reversing, Williams reportedly lost control of the car which ran off the road and plunged 56 feet down, crashing into a ditch.
Ras Forever passed forward on the spot, while his daughter left the car seeking help.
His son, Akel Williams, posted a notice on Rastafari Speaks Message board.
Ras Forever was one of the direct contributors to the many of our Websites. His contributions in Trinidad were many and he tirelessly supported and lobbied for African-oriented programs in the media.
He was a constant student of history and was widely known in the Rastafari community. He was about to release an updated copy of his book Rasta: Emperor Haile Sellassie and the Rastafarians, which is available at amazon.com.
As a student of world history, Ras Akel knew that no person should be excluded or made to feel inferior or superior solely on the basis of his or her skin color or academic achievements. He acted in accordance with this understanding.
He was a businessman as well as a social activist who was always willing to help others.
Ras Forever's final message sent out via his mailing list:
Rastafari Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor
Haile Sellassie I the First.
As most of our planet joins in the celebration of the Christian festival of Christmas. The Rastafari Community extends fraternal love and best wishes to our brothers and sisters all over the world.
It is our greatest wish and deepest desire, that the care and concern shown to our fellow human beings at this time, be not restricted to this season, but that it continue into each and everyday of our existence, so that we may make an improvement where needed to the condition and the lives of those around us and to those that we meet as we journey through the landscape of life.
Let us try to feed those that need to be fed, heal those that need to be healed, teach those that need to be taught and protect those that need to be protected.
Let whatever we do at this time of the year, lead to a doubling of our resolve, to making this our earth space, a much more humane place.
We should give of our best, our children demand nothing less. The only future they are going to inherit, is the one we create, the one that we build each and everyday, the one that starts with us from the very words we utter.
So Let Jah Be Praised and Thy Works Be Done.
Rastafari Love To You and Yours. One Perfect Love.
Funeral service:
Posted: Monday, December 30, 2002
Funeral service for Christopher Williams (Ras Forever, Ras Akel) will be held on Tuesday 31st December 2.30pm at Simpson’s Funeral Home at 63 Eastern Main Road Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago. From there, the body would be taken to the Tunapuna Cemetery for burial.
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